

Ali Fearnley


Ali Fearnley
Full Member
Ali Fearnley Casting

Ali Fearnley has been casting TV commercials, Print campaigns and Internet content
from the incredible UK talent pool for over 25 years.
After graduating in Business Studies and Advertising she worked as a Talent Agent
before making the move to Casting in the mid 90’s and found it the perfect home for
her talents: the ideal combination of business minded diligence and a creative’s eye
for faces and performance. She has since collaborated with many of the industry’s
top directors and photographers to help create multiple award winning and
memorable campaigns.
Having now cast over 2000 commercials (and counting!) Ali has an extensive
knowledge of the business, the processes and the challenges of making deals which
balance the needs of actors, directors, agencies and clients. Her real joy is still just
getting to the heart of any script or directors’ treatment and unearthing the perfect
cast for the project, whether from established actors or new and emerging talent.
The industry has changed hugely over the past two decades and Ali has been at the
forefront of calls for better representation, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of
the Casting industry. As the proud current Co-chair of the Casting Directors
Association (CDA) she can drive this message even further, along with the core task
of raising the profile and recognition of Casting Directors within the Commercial,
Theatre, TV and Film sectors.

Commercials, Film, TV Drama, New Media, Music Video & Stills


BM 6827, London, WC1N 3XX